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Mohamed Attiya Ebrahim


Characters and Creatures for Games

Art Station:
About Me:

Hey! My name is Mohamed Attiya, Currently I work as a video editor, VFX artist, and 2D animator. I have always had a passion for that field since I was a kid, only because I assumed being a 3D artist and specifically working on games is something that I could never achieve, until I start my journey at Think Tank. through this very short course I fell in love massively with the field. having the ability to bring characters and creatures to life is something amazing and I will continue to peruse no matter the direction my life goes. my projects at Think Tank mainly focus on the fantasy and magical elements. I love the look and feel when you explore new and fantastical worlds and I want to bring that feeling to people around the world through my work!

FInal portfolio ProJect

For my Term 4 project, I’m crafting a forest creature made primarily of wood and leaves, aiming to blend earthy natural elements with a stylized look. My process started with gathering a wide range of references and figuring out how to combine various elements effectively. A key challenge has been ensuring a consistent wood grain texture across the entire piece. Despite these difficulties, I’m thrilled with the progress and excited to move into the final phase of texturing, where I’ll bring the model to life. This project has been a great opportunity to experiment with new techniques and push my creative boundaries.

Advanced Final Project

For my Advanced term final project, I focused even more on the art style I prefer to work on. stylized semi realistic, or something I like to call "non-anime stylized."   Working on this character was exciting and fun, and the amount of skill and techniques I have learned through this process is double that of the last semester, not only with technical software skills but also artistic skills.  For the sword of the character I faced a somewhat of a minor issue that I, with the help of my supervisor, turned into a great opportunity, as part of the sword is missing from the concept art, I used this opportunity to design a piece of the sword myself, which was a very fun and exciting process. Since this is currently in a WIP state, the next big step would be the texturing and rendering, and with the goal of achieving a look in between overwatch and 2XKO, I am looking forward to start with it.

Intermediate Final Project

For intermediate, I finally had the skills to attempt a full characters, it was one of the most fun projects I had worked on. concept done by Duy Van was of an elven samurai with a very stylized look and feel to it. the whole process was mainly done through zbrush. the main problem points I had were in the texturing and lookdev process as i felt I couldn't manage to match the same look & feel to the concept. but through those struggled my skills in all those fields improved tremendously thanks to the difficulties I faced

FuNdamentals FInal ProJect

Since term 1, I knew I wanted to focus on character art, but at that stage I had not acquired the skills needed with sculpting to help me create a "human" character, so instead I opted to create a robot which I could compromise and only use the hardsurface modeling skills I have learned so far to create it. The biggest challenge I faced was with matching the likeness of the concept art created by Hardy Fowler, plus learning how to balance between hardedges and soft round surfaces, but through the process I learned a lot of methods and techniques when it comes to hardsurface modeling.

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